Wednesday, October 12, 2016


As I was writing in my journal today, I found this card inserted in between the pages. It was given to
me by a good friend back in 2007, when we were starting our journey in graduate school at TEDS in Deerfield, IL.

"It would be overwhelming", she said, "you will want to simplify and focus".

Overwhelming was an understatement. True enough, too many things seem to happen all at once, including how I wanted to show my support to my husband as he worked toward his Ph.D. I didn't want to become a burden, but a cheerleader and encourager as he duelled with the brains of his professors and cross-examined books in the library.

Fast forward to nine years, and my goal is still the same when it comes to being a wife - to cheer him on and to encourage him in his leadership in the family, in his gifting/s  and in his calling as a servant of Christ (whether as a pastor, teacher or missionary).

And we don't really need a long list of qualities we need to be or actions that we ought to do to fulfil our role as a wife. We only need three things that will cover them all.

At the back of this card are THREE ESSENTIALS FOR EVERY MARRIED WOMAN (if you can flip it, I will give you a prize!), which I will share below, including some thoughts.

Be a Woman of the Word
Spend time in the Word. Study the Bible seriously and inductively so that you can say "I have not turned aside from your commands for You Yourself have taught me." (Psalm 119:102)

This was truly essential, for God is my best teacher. It is only His Word that could comfort me, then sustain me and then equip me to be the helpmeet my husband needs and the guide my kids needs. You can never go wrong with God's Word. It is the lamp to our feet and the light to our path.

Be a Husband Helper
God's Word describes woman as man's helper (ezer). The Holy Spirit is also described as a Helper. Therefore, knowing Who the Holy Spirit is and what He does for us helps us wives know how to help our husbands.
Like the Holy Spirit:
Let your husband know you will be with him forever.
Be a truth speaker with a soft voice.
Help your husband, with gentleness, to remember the truth that Jesus spoke.

It is tempting, many times, to give in to my inner voice that said "come on, you need to let it out!" I am referring to the stubborn imp in me that wants to have her own way. Thank you Holy Spirit for your unwavering watch over me.

Be a World Changer
Mothers who are raising children are world changers. Believe it. There is no greater calling if God has given you children. Wow, what a gift! It's fantastic! No one can raise your child like you do. No one else can have the same impact on them as you would. You want to be a world changer? You don't need to go out in the streets, hold up a placard, or lobby an advocacy with the senate and congress. You can do it right in your own home.

Empty nest women need to be actively changing the world by discovering His purpose for your second half of life. Women know how to give their lives for others. In this season find new ways to give your life away to those in great need. If you are not willing to be a world changer, how can you expect a better world? The world is waiting.

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